1. Wide Range of Covered Risks:

   - The policy covers bodily injuries, attacks by criminals or animals, loss of working capacity, disability, and death.

2. Reliable Protection:

   - Provides financial support in difficult life situations related to accidents.

What We Cover:

- Bodily injuries.

- Attacks by criminals or animals.

- Loss of working capacity or temporary disability.

- Establishment of disability group I or II.

- Death as a result of an accident.

Policy Issuance:

To issue an accident insurance policy, you need to provide a passport and a medical certificate of health status (in some cases).

After providing the necessary documents and paying the insurance premium, the policy will be issued for the specified period.

Advantages of Accident Insurance

Financial Protection

Financial Protection

Provides compensation in case of bodily injuries, loss of working capacity, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Peace of Mind and Confidence

Peace of Mind and Confidence

Allows feeling protected in any situation related to accidents.

Flexible Terms

Flexible Terms

Ability to choose an insurance program that best meets the client’s needs.

What cases are covered by accident insurance?

What cases are covered by accident insurance?


The policy covers bodily injuries, attacks by criminals or animals, loss of working capacity, disability, and death as a result of an accident.

What to do in case of an accident insurance event?

What to do in case of an accident insurance event?


You need to notify the insurance company and provide medical documents confirming the fact of the accident.

What factors affect the cost of an accident insurance policy?

What factors affect the cost of an accident insurance policy?


The cost of the policy depends on the level of risk associated with a particular activity, health condition, and age of the client.